DenBolle's hok

Semi Realtime

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scheidslijn Think! scheidslijn

kijk ook eens hier:

scheidslijnThink! scheidslijnThink! scheidslijnMAG - Motorrijders Actie Groep scheidslijnBoshuizen motorservice raalte scheidslijnLimes ICT scheidslijn

Eat shit you chinese dipshit..

Weer zo’n freak die denkt makkelijk geld te verdienen met webcrawlers en bots….  Eens tijd om z’n gegevens op internet te zetten :

Instant Booster [ ]  schreef:

Hi there,
My name is Michael

Well, I've got great news for you.

One day I had an idea. An amazing idea actually.

What if you could drive 1000s of customers to your website from
the major search-engines that are exclusively looking for your
product/offer for free?

What about an instant number one ranking for your keywords,
for free ?!

I have developed a program that will automatically do this for you 

[ snip chinese dipshit link ]
[ snip chinese dipshit link ]
[ snip chinese dipshit link ]

Eh.. yes I can you dipshit..
I’m hitting 80k of customers a month, but I’m not selling anything.

I’ve reported you and your shitty domain.  Keep emailing me, and I’m taking more action, by creating a site dedicated to you…. ask ‘Anastasia‘ what happened.


eh.. never mind.. I’ve already put your info on the internet..
